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Progress of the chapter 2


Publié par Suisei le 25/06/2018 à 15h45

Hi everyone !

I post this message to take stock of the progress of the chapter 2 of Dragon Cat's Galaxia 1/2.

I admit I knew that I had not enough time when I annouced I may finish this chapter for Japan Expo.
Anyway it is always the same way with me. I'm definitly not able to respect deadlines I announce. xD
I finished to ink the third of the pages. Most difficult are behind me (phew!). To finish in time I should finish inking, screentones and the cover before next sunday. It seems not possible even without sleeping. I think I need one or two more weeks.
At least, by trying to believe I can do it, I progressed a lot and I finished the pages I feared the most. =D

Settings and extras everywhere. This chapter is really hard to draw.
You will see the original pages in preview if you come to the Japan Expo. =D

I had to rush a lot to progress like that. I work very hard, sometimes until to 3 am, for about 3 weeks.
So, I'm going to slacken the pace a little and make some illustrations of heroes from our childhood (Dragon Ball, I have not many illustrations about this one of my favourtite mangas) and I will finish more slowly the chapter 2 of Dragon Cat's during the summer.

That's all for the news.
Have a good week and see you soon ! :D

Suisei - Killfaeh


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