
When you have chosen Items in the menu, the list of objects in your possession is displayed sorted by category.


4 categories of objects are available.

Some items are usable from the menu, those appear in white, others are not, those appear in gray.
If you want to use an object or consume it you must first select the category to which it belongs by using arrow keys on the keyboard and validating with the enter key or clicking on it. You can then browse the items of the category you just selected.
To go back selecting a category just press the escape key.


Once you have selected the category, you can select an item from the list by browsing the same way as in categories (arrow keys).
If the item you are interested in is usable/consumable in the context of the menu you can trigger its effect by pressing the enter key or clicking on it.


If the effect of the object is applicable to only one character in your group, the list of characters is displayed. You can select one by using the arrow keys and validate your choice by pressing the enter key or clicking on it.
If you do not want to use it, you can go back with the escape key.